Friday, January 6, 2012

Chapter #4

This chapter focus's on classroom management. It provides good suggestions on how to handle many different types of situations. This chapter would be very beneficial as an introductory course to Novice/Student teaching. Many of these problems came up during my Novice teaching experience and I expect they will, when my student teaching begins. It doesn't only provide one option, it suggests many different solutions to the same problem. This chapter did a great job breaking down the different types of classroom management such as: movement procedures, students being off task, and verbal communication. After reading this chapter I feel more prepared on handling disciplinary situations.


  1. Jake,

    Classroom management is so key to success as a teacher. The year I started there were 4 first year teachers in the same building. 2 special education, a math teacher, and me. The two special ed teachers had no problems. They dealt with classrooms of around 6 students each. I taught 6 different classes. I had 7th grade spanish, 8th grade spanish (both small groups), a reading and language arts block, and two art classes. I had very few issues. (I still thank Harry Wong for this.) The math teacher however was a different story. She was a very smart and nice young lady. She took time to make nice bulletin boards and she always dressed very professionally but she had NO classroom management. It was a very long year for her. She would often come to get me to help her calm her students down and get them to work. She ended almost every day in tears and with the assistant principal. The kids knew every button to push and push it they did. Her entire problem was classroom management. She had none. She wanted to be the fun teacher, the relaxed teacher. I learned a lot from watching her that year. I tried to help her establish some expectations and teach them. (So did many others) In the end, she was put on a "do not hire" list for the district. I try to stress to all of my Bradley students as they come into my classroom that as they move forward they must have a plan. This was a great chapter to get you thinking about that plan.

  2. Melissa- The fact that the book covered several different situation and how to react to them was my favorite part of the chapter. As you said this helps you feel more prepared to handle these disciplinary situation. You never know what is going to happen during the day or what new situations will occur and I like that the book gave some tips for problems I wouldn't have known how to handle. So I too, definitely feel more prepared for these problems.
